Saturday, February 5, 2011

Trey Smith - Thieves Review Posts

A review of Thieves I wanted to repost:

Fantastic --- the book is absolutely beyond belief. I give it a 9.5 out of 10, and I'm a tough sell.

After doing an article a week back about the Thieves book release, I received many emails; one of them was fromTrey Smith. He sent me a copy of Thieves which I have just finished. I had initially thought the book would be another expose' on the dirty dealings of a TV pastor (in this caseMike Murdock), but was overwhelmed by the gripping nature of the entire story and all its colorful details. As a side note: Hopefully this book (Thieves by Trey Smith) will put that very bad man (Mike Murdock) out of business.
Let me attempt to break-down Thieves for you.
Thieves begins with the "high-adrenalin" safe robbery itself. No lie, it comes in with enough of a bang to make your heart flutter. You (the reader) make the dramatic entrance to the world of Mike Murdock and his mansion estate with the "kicking-in" and disarming of electronically locked security doors. Then, ripping the safe from a secure (secret) closet and getting it into the back of a souped-up Cadillac. Taking the safe back to Houston is where we discover the somewhat shocking contents that set off Trey Smith's run from law enforcement and the TV pastor Mike Murdock himself. 
That is just chapter one. 
Beginning in chapter two, you go back in time to this child-like innocence in the best friend relationship between Trey Smith and Jason Murdock (Mike Murdock's only son). We are introduced to Mike Murdock and his rise to power as he is sitting in an Assemblies of God meeting where they decide not to revoke his preaching licence even though he was caught sleeping with his first secretary --- probably all of them since. The intensity rises the more and more you become involved in the dark shadows of Murdock's celebrity-like world. The boys, Jason Murdock and Trey Smith, progressively engage in rebellious behaviors that are tolerated by the Christian "ivory towers" primarily because Jason is Mike Murdock's son. I personally loved Jason in this story---he is a true wild man that continually kept me on the edge of my seat. These two boys lived somewhat like royalty during their time at Christ for the Nations; they snuck out limos, drove sports cars, had unbelievable parties, and dabbled in all sorts of insanity. But, as they get more entrenched in Mike Murdock's personal life, the fun rebellion turns to utter darkness. Mike Murdock's world is a grim place. By the time I made it to the safe robbery----I really wanted Mike Murdock robbed. 
That is the first half of the book leading up to the safe robbery (the place where the story began)
Following the robbery, Jason is swept up by police investigators while Trey Smith is living on the run and manages to make it to Mexico. It is there in Mexico that Trey Smith first becomes involved with "theft-rings" (now---mind you---this is the same guy we met at the beginning who was pursing reasonably noble ambitions). Nevertheless, Trey embarks on a criminal career in these theft-rings and was ultimately apprehended in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was there that he changed his life and helped law enforcement break-up a theft-ring that was delivering boatloads of stolen laundry detergent and baby diapers back-and-forth out of Mexico.
It is a real journey. Each page, paragraph and sentence left me hungry for more and always just wondering ---- what can possibly happen next? It is also extremely well-written and easy to follow. I couldn't put it down and I may have gone through the entire 340 pages in three sittings(between those sittings I was anxious to get back to the book).
Here beneath I am providing some links for the material. 
This is the Official Trey Smith Thieves purchase page,click here
It looks like Amazon has also picked up the book, so here is a link to that if you would rather buy from Amazon instead, click here
 I personally find the robbery video amusing, here is the Trey Smith Books provided source, click here
Here is the YouTube Mike Murdock robbery source, click here
Also there appear to be a growing number of radio shows covering the story. You can likely find others if you like, but I am providing a link here for one of them, click here
Great book. Great story. I wish there more like it. 
Review by Chuck